Species Info


Type:  Panfish

Appearance:  Bluegill have the deep-bodied look of “bream,” with a long dorsal fin and slightly forked tail. A dark ear covering and a blotch at the dorsal fin’s back bottom edge set them apart.

State record:  2.95 lbs.

BigCatch:  To qualify your catch needs to exceed the listed weight OR length (not necessarily both).

Habitat:  Bluegill are common throughout Florida but are best known in lakes and ponds.

Behavior:  Bluegill eat mostly insects and their larvae. Bluegill spawn throughout summer, congregating in large “beds”. Anglers may find 30-40 shallow nests scooped out in sandy areas.

Tips:  Live worms or crickets are the best bait, either fished on the bottom or suspended below a float. Crickets, grubs, sand maggots or grass shrimp will also catch bedding bluegill. Use a small hook, #6 or #8, with a split shot sinker about 6 inches up the line. Concentrate on water less than 6 feet deep. For artificial baits, a 1/8 oz. “beetle spin” with a white or chartreuse body on ultralight tackle is excellent.

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